

HTML5Up Striped theme converted to Jekyll

"Striped" by HTML5Up

The HTML5 Up "Striped" theme, converted to Jekyll.
Single index file from the HTML5Up template, broken down in to easier to manage chunks for Jekyll.
A few highlights:
A customizable sidebar.html (& nav.html include).
Social sharing links for posts.
Optional Google Analytics.
Plugin-less archives page.

The code may not be pretty, but the theme creation is part of my effort to learn more Ruby and Liquid/Jekyll theming.

Main page:

Single post:

Archives page:

See a demo here

Original readme from Striped template:
Striped by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (

And here's a new one: Striped, which features a clean, minimalistic design, styling for all basic page elements (including blockquotes, tables and lists), a repositionable sidebar (left or right), and HTML5/CSS3 code designed for quick and easy customization (see code comments for details).

(* = Not included)

Feedback, bug reports, and comments are not only welcome, but strongly encouraged :)

AJ | @ajlkn


Demo Images:  
    Unsplash (

    Font Awesome (

    jQuery (
    html5shiv.js (@afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem)
    CSS3 Pie (
    Respond.js (
    Skel (