

🌄 → 🖥 Use instagram as a cms to display images + text on a website

🌄 Instagram as a CMS

See it in action:

I'm assuming a Jekyll + Netlify configuration, but most of this is applicable to other static site generators.

Setting up the Instagram API

Sign up for a Facebook Developer Account

Follow Facebook's steps here.

Generate a user token

Use the User Token Generator to generate a starting token.

Use an Instagram token service

Instagram Access tokens last 60 days, then need to be refreshed. Use the Instagram Token Agent to automatically refresh tokens. Deploy the site to Heroku, using the starting token from the previous step.

Display the Instagram feed


  • Instagram's Basic Display API only returns the first image of an album.
  • Instagram has a call limit of 200 calls/hr.

Option 1: As a Jekyll Plugin

Copy/paste jekyllgram.rb (in this folder) into your _plugins/ folder. Be sure to replace @access_token_heroku with your own Heroku app name.

Access the jekyll feed as {% jekyllgram %}. Example:

{% jekyllgram 10 %}
    <a href="{{photo.permalink}}">
        <img src="{{photo.media_url}}" />
    <p>{{photo.caption | newline_to_br }}</p>
    <p class="timestamp">{{photo.timestamp | date_to_string }}
{% endjekyllgram %}

(use the liquid tag newline_to_br to convert \n into <br> in the caption)


  • {{photo.permalink}}: the link to the post
  • {{photo.media_url}}: the url of the post's image or video
  • {{photo.caption}}: the caption of the post
  • {{photo.timestamp}}: the date and time the post was added
  • see the rest of the options in {{photo}}

This will call the Instagram API every time your site builds.

Credit: jekyllgram.rb is based off of

Option 2: Instafeed.js

Instafeed repo

This will call the Instagram API every time someone accesses your site. Unfortunately, this makes it easy to exceed the API call limit.

Deploy to Netlify and Use Zapier

Deploy your site to Netlify, then create a Zapier zap so that a new Netlify deploy is created when a new post is added to instagram.

💸 Profit

Contributors to this repo are welcome!