LaTeX CV with Biblatex
MIT Licensed.
Table of contents
This repository hosts all assets and source code that create my curriculum vitae (CV).
I love LaTeX and use it so much, I figured using the language for the creation
and maintenance of my CV is a natural move.
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Reporting vulnerabilities
If you discover a vulnerability/error/mistake in the production code of my
website, please refer to the instructions found in
for instructions on reporting these issues. I will then address the problem as
soon as possible.
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Notable features
- Built entirely with LaTeX for ease-of-maintenance and quick updates
- Built for academics. This means Biblatex
is naturally incorporated, showing all bibliographies in chronological and
descending order that are also sorted by name within each year
- Total number of publications are counted for quick display if desired
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- Latest version of MikTeX or TeXLive
- The following LaTeX packages:
- newtxttext
- fontenc (with option T1)
- geometry (with option margin = 1in)
- ragged2e
- fancyhdr
- xcolor (with option dvipsnames)
- url
- hyperref (with colorlinks = true)
- booktabs
- fmtcount
- refcount
- datetime
- titlesec
- lastpage
- paralist
- enumitem
- array
- biblatex (with backend of Biber
and options sorting = ydnt, citestyle = authoryear, bibstyle = authoryear-comp,
defernumbers = true, maxnames = 20, giveninits = false, bibencoding = utf8,
terseinits = true, uniquename = init, dashed = false, doi = true,
isbn = false, natbib = true, backend = biber, date = year)
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Below are the awesome resources used to make this GitHub Page as optimised as possible:
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