An optimized jekyll docker image (etelej/jekyll) for building Jekyll containers for Github Pages. Helpful in developing manually built Jekyll Github Pages without much overhead, or having to install Jekyll's multiple dependencies.
Simply run this command from within your githubpages directory:
docker run --rm -it -p 4000:4000 -v "$PWD":/app -w /app etelej/jekyll
This creates a disposable container (--rm
), emulates an interactive terminal (-it
), forwards host's port 4000 to container's port 4000 (-p 4000:4000
), maps working directory on host to a read-write volume in container (-v "$PWD":/app
), sets the mapped volume as the working directory (-w /app
), creates container from the docker image (etelej/jekyll:latest
) and starts the jekyll server as the main docker process (bundle exec jekyll serve
defined in Dockerfile).
To use docker-compose
via the repo's docker-compose.yml
, edit the docker-compose.yml
file to replace my jekyll site directory with yours (absolute path preferable):
Edit docker-compose.yml from:
- /home/chief/workspaces/
- /path/to/your/jekyllsite:/code
Run docker-compose:
docker-compose run --rm jekyll/container
Build your image
docker build -t YOURNAME/jekyll .
Run your image
cd your-jekyll-app-directory/
docker run --rm -it -p 4000:4000 -v "$PWD":/app -w /app YOURNAME/jekyll
Push your image
docker push YOURNAME/jekyll