bisou - a cocktail recipes jekyll theme

I've made this theme to quickly browse and share to my friends all my best cocktail recipes. This theme is compatible with jekyll-remote-theme and my personal website is live on :

what can you do ?

  • Browse recipes by categories (taste),
  • Search recipes by name, categories, ingredients and more,
  • View single pages for each recipe, including ingredients, instructions, image and source url,
  • Login using Google sign-in to rate your favorite recipes or just create your "tonight menu",
  • Use it on your mobile to assist you behind the bar.

how it was made ?

Neither shaken, nor stirred.

Some lines and good tips from cagrimmett/jekyll-tools, pure-css/pure, verlok/vanilla-lazyload, James Barnett, willmcpo/body-scroll-lock, RealFaviconGenerator and uzful advices from mandawan.

I'm not a developer and this is my first time using jekyll and more broadly github, I hope it is not too dirty. :)

latest version: v2.4.2

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