

Tech blog - Alex Jiang

My Blog

My blog.


Note this project is built on top of Jekyll, please see here for how to setup jekyll installation.

git clone https://github.com/pigfly/pigfly.github.io.git
cd pigfly.github.io
gem install jekyll
gem install bundler
bundle install
jekyll serve --watch

Then navigate to

A Grunt environment is also included. There are a number of tasks it performs like minification of the JavaScript, compiling of the LESS files, Run the grunt default task by entering grunt into your command line which will build the files. You can use grunt watch if you are working on the JavaScript or the LESS.

You can run jekyll serve --watch and grunt watch at the same time to watch for changes and then build them all at once.


This work by Alex Jiang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Code I've written is licensed under MIT. Other components such as Bootstrap have their own licenses.


Special thanks to iT Man, who continue to provide high quality computing environment for free.

Thanks to the following people and projects:

Server Setup

The site is served through CloudFlare's CDN. The CDN caches everything on edges. These edges respect the caching header set on individual files. CloudFlare also sets a browser cache expiration of 30 minutes for all content (if a longer one is not specified, see below).