Extremely opinionated generator for your Sinatra app or Jekyll site. Sets up:
Should work fine for both RVM- and rbenv-based setups
git clone https://github.com/pikesley/skellington
cd skellington
rake install
or just
gem install skellington
$ skellington generate naming-things-is-hard --licensor 'Beyoncé'
Generating <lots of stuff>... done
Your new Sinatra app NamingThingsIsHard has been created
(Note that 'naming-things-is-hard' has been changed to 'naming_things_is_hard' because Ruby finds '-'s troubling)
Now do
cd naming_things_is_hard
bundle exec rake
And presuming that passes OK
git add .
git commit -m 'First commit'
Then try (in 2 different windows)
bundle exec rake run:sass
bundle exec rake run:app
which will launch Compass and then run the app (at http://localhost:9292)
For post-install hints, try
skellington postinstall
$ gem install skellington
$ skellington generate hello-from-the-magic-tavern --framework jekyll
Generating <lots of stuff>... done
Your new Jekyll site HelloFromTheMagicTavern has been created
(Note that 'hello-from-the-magic-tavern' has been changed to 'hello_from_the_magic_tavern' because Ruby finds '-'s troubling)
Now do
cd hello_from_the_magic_tavern
bundle exec jekyll serve
which will launch the site (at http://localhost:4000/hello-from-the-magic-tavern/)
And presuming that works OK
git add .
git commit -m 'First commit'
You should also fill in your name in LICENSE.md
This all assumes a bunch of things, at least:
Also, it will set up the new project using whatever version of ruby is cromulent when you run it