

Jekyll org-mode (Emacs) converter; uses Emacs's native org-mode HTML export to generate HTML


Jekyll converter for org-mode (Emacs) files. Unlike other org-mode converters for Jekyll, this invokes Emacs directly and uses Emacs's mature implementation of org-mode to convert your org-mode files to HTML the fly.

Yes, this is much less efficient than a standalone implementation of an org-mode parser and HTML exporter; a new Emacs process is created for every org-mode file being converted. But the idea of a static site generator is to build your website once on your local machine, like compiling an executable binary for distribution. If building the website takes 5 seconds longer, that doesn't really matter. I'll take 5 seconds of waiting in exchange for a lack of weird bugs.


Emacs (≥v25 preferably) must be installed and visible on your PATH.


$ gem install jekyll-org-to-html

Add gem "jekyll-org-to-html" to your Gemfile.

Add to _config.yml in the root directory of your Jekyll site:

  - jekyll-org-to-html

Any posts/pages you create with the .org extension should generate as HTML. You can set org-mode options as usual with the #+OPTIONS directive at the top of each org-mode file (below the front matter). Example:

layout: default

#+OPTIONS: toc:t
* my headline
my section
* my second headline
** my subheadline
my second section

Everything you can do by writing an org-mode file and exporting it as HTML in Emacs can be done here because it uses Emacs itself to do the conversion.