Pondent is a client-side utility for posting Markdown-formatted files to GitHub. You can use it in your browser right now.
A static site is a great way to make your site safer and more performant. Combine it with GitHub and you have a version-controlled directory you can access from anywhere.
The problem is how to update it? Pondent provides a client-side utility for adding Markdown-formatted posts to a GitHub repository in a format perfect for static site generators like Jekyll and Hugo.
Using Pondent is as easy as 1-2-3!
You're now ready to post!
Pondent is a client-side JavaScript application written in ClojureScript. To host it locally or on your own server, you need to compile it to a JavaScript file that your browser can run.
Note that if you do run it yourself, you'll need to register a personal access token. The Pondent application will not be able to authenticate if run on a server other than pyrmont.github.io.
Pondent uses Figwheel to compile your ClojureScript.
In development, Figwheel runs a local web server and recompiles on the fly:
$ clojure -M:fig:build
For production, Figwheel compiles your code into a single JavaScript file you host on your own server:
$ clojure -M:fig:release
Pondent does not support the editing of existing files.
Found a bug? I'd love to know about it. The best way is to report them in the Issues section on GitHub.
Pondent is released into the public domain. See LICENSE for more details.