

Full-text search for your Jekyll blog with ElasticSearch


Full-text search for your Jekyll blog with ElasticSearch.


  • Parses the html from your Jekyll _site directory using BeautifulSoup to get more accurate content instead of using the raw Markdown.
  • Automates the process of updating your ElasticSearch index to store the post title, url and body, ready for querying from your site.
  • Searching on the generated ElasticSearch index which can be hosted on a server and then called by Javascript on your Jekyll blog to retrieve results.

Example Usage


  • Make sure you have an ElasticSearch server running. If not local, change the config in indexer.py to reflect your location.
  • Run the command python main.py <path_to_blog>, running without an argument will assume your compiled blog is located at ~/blog/_site.
  • If the library cannot find your content correctly, modify indexer.py to point to the correct HTML elements for title, post content etc (assuming you have unique CSS classes for these).


  • See sample query on the ElasticSearch index in the searcher.py script.
  • Results include the url to the post, the post title and a highlight of the relevant text that can be shown to the user.

When to run

Due the fact that the library relies on the generated output within the _site directory, you will need to re-run the indexer after you have re-built your blog when making changes. This unfortunately means that we cannot use something like Git webhooks to further automate the process, however it is still easy when put inside a script to execute after your site is built.