

Jekyll version of the newest Agency Bootstrap theme, plus new features: Google Analytics, Markdown support, custom pages, and more!

Agency Jekyll Theme

Preview - click for live demo


:warning: Notice for those using legacy Formspree contact forms: :warning:

Email-based forms are being phased out by Formspree. #11 updated this theme to use the new Formspree structure. Click here for instructions on updating your site's form.


This is the Agency Bootstrap theme, converted to a gem-based Jekyll theme with GitHub Pages support.

While this has been done before, here, here, and here, these are outdated and have not been updated or maintained for years. I built this theme from the most recent Bootstrap source.

I also added a lot of new features that go beyond the original theme's capabilities:

  • GitHub Pages support
  • template repo to get up and running in minutes
  • contact form functionality powered by
  • multiple language support (currently English, Spanish, & German)
  • custom pages
  • 404 page
  • legal/Privacy Policy page
  • Google Analytics support
  • Markdown support
  • custom images
  • logo support (instead of just title text)
  • automatically updating copyright years
  • custom navigation bar, even without the header image(s)
  • customizable footer
  • custom accent color and dark/light colors
  • horizontal scrolling support for client section


    This project is intended to be a welcoming space for collaboration. If you have an idea, suggestion, feature request, etc., feel free to open an issue or pull request.

    For bug reports, follow the provided template.

    Improvements - Up for Grabs


    To set up your environment to develop this theme, clone this repo or your fork.

    $ git clone
    $ cd agency-jekyll-theme

    Then run:

    $ bundle install

    To test the theme, run this. (Using the --trace flag for verbose errors.)

    $ bundle exec jekyll serve --trace

    Then open your browser at:

    Add pages, documents, data, etc. like normal to test the theme's contents. As you make modifications, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh.


    The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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