Welcome to the Red Eclipse Website repository. This is a work in progress to update the website in preparation for v2.0.

This repository is automatically deployed by GitHub Pages to our Website and includes pages built from the Documentation Repository.

When editing pages here, there are a few guidelines you should follow. It is also important to understand how the pre-processors work, like Jekyll and Kramdown. The configuration for everything is held in _config.yml.

Front Matter

It is important to include the appropriate YAML Front Matter and set at least the following values:

  • title: The title of the page, which also acts as the first header.
  • layout: Which layout to use.
  • permalink: Where the page sits when then site is built (please omit file extensions like '.html' and '.md').


Layouts are generally HTML templates that are used by inserting content and generating a static HTML page. You can see which layouts are available in the layouts directory.

  • default: Used for rendering normal pages within the site, and, as the name implies, is the default if omitted from the front matter.
  • docs: Used by the files generated from the Documentation Repository.
  • dynredir: As the normal "redirect_to" does not allow the insertion of variables, you can create an HTML file with this layout and define the URL in the content area.
  • home: A special template used for the home page to arrange all the fancy stuff.
  • redirect: Used by jekyll-redirect-from, see their usage for more information.

File Types

You should use markdown when possible to create pages, and use HTML pages only if the situation merits it.

The Style

I didn't set a style guide to begin with because I was unsure of what to expect and unaware of any cross-compatibility issues. As I mentioned, the documentation will be automatically deployed to the Beta Website, and this involves going through a few steps using GitHub Pages. Basically there are two "pre-processors", Jekyll, and Kramdown. It is necessary to understand the unique syntax of each when crafting your markdown pages.


All headers should be presented in ATX format, Setex format is not supported. This means you create headers with the hash symbol (#), and not a line followed by a series of dashes (-). It is important to note that the title of the page will always be the first-level header (a single #), and your documents should always start with second-level headers (two ##).

## First-level header in document
Text that goes after that.

### Second-level header in document
Text that describes what the second level is about.


Your tables need to have an empty line before the first entry. Jekyll does not support rendering all table types without this being done.


Blah blah blah...

| Header | Information |
| Item 1 | Item 1 data |
| Item 2 | Item 2 data |
| Item 3 | Item 3 data |


Blah blah blah...
| Header | Information |
| Item 1 | Item 1 data |
| Item 2 | Item 2 data |
| Item 3 | Item 3 data |


It is inevitable that you are going to want to include images in your documents, and in most cases you are going to need to resize them in the page, which isn't something that is inherently supported by markdown. In these cases you can use the <img> HTML tag with some conditions:

  • The tag should only be used if you need to do some sort of styling (like resizing, etc)
  • You should not link to an outside source. Any images needed should be copied to the images directory in the docs repository.


All paths need to be relative to each other. The docs repository is converted to GitHub Pages and sits in the docs directory, not at the root.

Table of Contents

Kramdown supports the automatic generation of these, and the pages are automatically generated to include them. You do not need to create your own at the top of your pages.