
🧪🥫 - it's Jekyll in a container


change directories into your project's root directory, then run it

docker run -it --rm \
  --volume="$PWD:/work" \
  -p 4000:4000 \

sometimes it's helpful to clear the previous build's stuff first, then run it

rm -rf Gemfile.lock _site .jekyll-cache

it needs to be in the same directory as your Gemfile in order to build the site. it'll then run a local server for development.


it's rebuilt once a week automatically. versions of gems, etc, are unpinned by default and will float to latest or whatever is in the gemfile. the base image is Chainguard's ruby development image's latest tag, which is rebuilt daily.

this isn't for production use, just local development of static sites.

images older than 2 months are deleted automatically.

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