

💼 A simple way to have a web resume


This is a simple jekyll theme for a nice resume. It is created from the sinlge config.yml file. It will also generate a PDF (still new feature and it does not format well) with a click of the button on the bottom. I made this because I needed a better resume and did not want to type one. Feel free to use this!

New feature!

Added emojies :smile::thumbsup::clap::confetti_ball::tada:

Getting started

This is a jekyll site so it runs in github as is.

  1. Fork or clone this repo
  2. Edit the _config.yml file. You can edit every part of the resume in there.
  3. Set that master branch to be your github site.
  4. Get an awesome job!

Making edits

This is a gulp node.js project so you will need to go a little bit more to make major edits.

  1. You will need to install node.js on your computer.
  2. Once that is installed just run npm install and that will get all of the needed packages installed.
  3. After that you will need to install jekyll. I recommend using a environment manager such as rbenv.
  4. Now install jekyll by following these instruction here
  5. Once everything is installed you need to build the site. To do this run gulp. This will also start the local server and open a browser window for it.

Credit to online-cv for the original styles!