

[✓] Boilerplate for writing Reveal.js slideshows using Jekyll


? do you have to specify text/template for all sections, or can you wrap the whole thing in that and do markdown?

Boilerplate to start a reveal.js slideshow with Jekyll on GitHub Pages.

You can check the current versions of github-pages dependencies by github-pages versions (though former lists ruby version).

GitHub pages reveals GitHub metadata.


  1. clone repo
  2. create Jekyll page with layout: slide


Two layouts are provided:

  1. slide
  2. slide-md

The slide layout is appropriate for

Note that Jekyll will attempt to process markdown files

? Is it possible to have jekyll process the markdown then hand it off to reveal in sections?

Configuration and Customization

Options should given in YAML front matter like:

  theme: night
  transition: slide
  width: 1680
  height: 1050

Available Options

See Configuration, Presentation Size, and Theming

option default values
theme black see Theming
transition 'slide' none/fade/slide/convex/concave/zoom
width 960 px or %
height 700 px or %
controls true true/false
progress true true/false
history false true/false
center true true/false

Layout details

  • Reveal.js Jekyll layout based on slide.html (see blog post)
  • Updated dependencies as per reveal README
  • Change the way theme and transition are set in YAML (e.g. from theme to reveal.theme), and add additional configuation options
  • Add ability to specify additional options in page YAML, including width and height.
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