

Jamstack site created with Stackbit

✨ futuristic-moonCMS: ✨

This is a Jekyll site using Sanity as a CMS. It was created with Stackbit in under a minute.

You can create a site just like this one, or explore some variations. How about a different:

🎨  Look
✏️  CMS
⚙️  Static site generator

Develop Locally

  1. Install a full Ruby development environment

  2. Install Jekyll and Bundler:

     gem install jekyll bundler
  3. Install dependencies from Gemfile:

     bundle install
  4. Get the project's stackbit-api-key from the Stackbit dashboard

  5. Assign this key to the STACKBIT_API_KEY environment variable (replace {stackbit_api_key} with the actual key):

     export STACKBIT_API_KEY={stackbit_api_key}
  6. Run the following command to fetch the content from Sanity:

     npx @stackbit/stackbit-pull --stackbit-pull-api-url=https://stg-api.stackbit.com/pull/602058c71cef9100162811e4
  7. [Optional] Run Sanity Studio locally: install sanity-cli npm install -g @sanity/cli, navigate to the /studio directory, and run sanity install and sanity start. You may be required to login with the Sanity CLI.

  8. Build the site and start the Jekyll local development server

     bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
  9. Open http://localhost:4000 in the browser

  10. 🎉

Editing Content

To start editing your site, you can use the Sanity interface at https://futuristic-mooncms-sanity-theme-starter-site-g-058c7.sanity.studio/.

Alternatively, you can use the free on-page editing experience provided by the Stackbit Studio.

Here's a few resources to get you started:

If you need a hand, make sure to check the Stackbit support page.


Generated at 2021-02-07T21:17:06.041Z by Stackbit version 0.3.48.

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