My website portfolio - Built on Jekyll / 2016

Porting from the old website to Jekyll.

Hand-Coded with :heart: in Rome (Italy) using Jekyll, Sass, Compass, jQuery, Susy and Grunt.


You'll need to have the following items installed before continuing.

  • Node.js: Use the installer provided on the NodeJS website.
  • Grunt: Run [sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli



Type these in the terminal anywhere:

gem install sass

gem install compass

gem install wdm

gem install jekyll

gem install jekyll-paginate

Node Packages

Open the terminal in the root of the project and type npm install.
When it's finished, run npm install grunt-postcss autoprefixer cssnano.

When you're done, open two terminals in the root of this project's folder and type jekyll serve on one and on the other type grunt, a browser window will open with your website running and will watch for changes and live reload accordingly.

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