

A collection of Jekyll utilility methods to generate eg. Jekyll permalinks and slugs

Jekyll Utils

A collection of Jekyll utilility methods to generate eg. Jekyll permalinks and slugs


Requires at least Node.js 10.x


npm install jekyll-utils --save

API Usage


Slugify a filename or title.

When mode is "none", return the given string.

When mode is "raw", return the given string, with every sequence of spaces characters replaced with a hyphen.

When mode is "default" or nil, non-alphabetic characters are replaced with a hyphen too.

When mode is "pretty", some non-alphabetic characters (._~!$&'()+,;=@) are not replaced with hyphen.

If cased is true, all uppercase letters in the result string are replaced with their lowercase counterparts.


  • str string the string to create a slug of
  • mode string how string is slugified. Can be set to "default", "pretty" or "raw" (optional, default default)
  • cased boolean – whether to keep the character casing or not (optional, default false)


slugify('The _config.yml file')
// => 'the-config-yml-file'
slugify('The _config.yml file', 'pretty')
// => 'the-_config.yml-file'
slugify('The _config.yml file', 'pretty', true)
// => 'The-_config.yml file'

Returns string the slugified string



  • template string The String used as template for URL generation, for example "/:path/:basename:output_ext", where a placeholder is prefixed with a colon. Or one of the predefined styles "pretty", "none", "date" or "ordinal". (optional, default date)

  • jekyllResource object A representation of a Jekyll resource such as a Post or a Page

    • jekyllResource.basename_without_ext string The file basename without the file extension.
    • (Date | number) The published date of the resource
    • object? The resource document's data
      • Array<string>? The categories specified on the document
      • string? The slug specified on the document
  • Throws Error if not all needed placeholders are found

Returns string the String URL


Methods that generate a URL for a resource such as a Post or a Page.


  • options object One of :permalink or :template must be supplied.
    • options.template string The String used as template for URL generation, or example "/:path/:basename:output_ext", where a placeholder is prefixed with a colon.
    • options.null string :placeholders - A hash containing the placeholders which will be replaced when used inside the template. E.g. { year: (new Date()).getFullYear() } would replace the placeholder ":year" with the current year.
    • options.permalink string If supplied, no URL will be generated from the template. Instead, the given permalink will be used as URL.


new JekyllUrl({
  template: '/:categories/:title.html',
  placeholders: {':categories': 'ruby', ':title' => 'something'}


Generates the relative URL of the resource

  • Throws Error if the relative URL contains a colon

Returns string the String URL

Generates a URL from the permalink

Returns (string | false) the unsanitized String URL


Generates a URL from the template

Returns (string | false) the unsanitized String URL


  • str string an unsanitized String URL

Returns string a sanitized String URL, stripping "../../" and multiples of "/", as well as the beginning "/" so we can enforce and ensure it.


Escapes a path to be a valid URL path segment

  • path string The path to be escaped.
JekyllUrl.escape_path('/a b')
// => '/a%20b'

Returns string the escaped path.