

A theme for Jekyll to build a personal blog, , based on Bootstrap 3, Font Awesome and jQuery. Jekyll 博客主题,基于Bootstrap 3、Font Awesome和jQuery。


A theme for Jekyll to build a personal blog, based on Bootstrap 3, Font Awesome and jQuery.

  • Clean
  • Responsive
  • Mobile First
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Jekyll 3 Supported
  • SEO Friendly



You can see the theme running on my blog.



  • Start by cloning the github repo using git clone
  • You must have jekyll installed to run this, use gem install jekyll for installing it
  • Use jekyll serve to run the site live.


# Site settings
title: Way Lau's Personal Site
name: Way Lau's Personal Site
url: ""
email: [email protected]
description: Way Lau's Personal Site |
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
twitter_username: waylau521
github_username:  waylau
weibo_username: waylau521
facebook_username: waylau521
duoshuo_username: waylau
baidushare_id: 89860593
baidutongji_id: 28cf5fa48a599e39c5cc760931de942f
rss_url: "/feed.xml"
logo_image: "/images/logo.png"
# Build settings
gems: [jekyll-paginate]
markdown: rdiscount
highlighter: pygments
permalink: /:title/
paginate: 8
paginate_path: page/:num

Creating Posts

For creating posts add this snippet in front of your post's markdown file:

layout: post
title:  "your title here"
tags: your tags here
class: post

Add content below this and save the post in _posts directory (you will have to create it).

Page excluded from top bar nav

By default, created pages will show on the top bar nav. If you want page excluded from top bar nav, you just addexcludedFromNav: true in the page as below:

layout: page
title: Labs
permalink: /labs/


Feel free to fork and contribute to the project, just create a pull request.

Open sourced under MIT License