

💉 "Date Lang Jekyll" is a Ruby plugins for the date of inclusion containing multiple languages.

Date Lang Jekyll

"Data Lang Jekyll" is a plugin for templates in Jekyll in order to include the date (% m% d,% Y - with name of month extensive ) in Posts and Pages.


  • Step 1: Enter _includes folder of your template Jekyll and download the Date Lang Jekyll
cd /go/to/path/_includes
git clone "date"
  • Step 2 : Enter date folder
cd ./date
  • Step 3: Setting the Date Lang Jekyll

After performing the clone Date Lang Jekyll, you must configure it with the script "".

Generating content of languages

The first configuration is to generate the contents of the language files as they are encoded using hexadecimal. For this, do:

$ ./ --init

Choosing your language

After generating the content of languages, Date Lang Jekyll will ask a question if you want to choose your language and keep only him. You can cancel, however will keep all languages of Date Lang Jekyll.

You must choose the numbering. Below is an example of how you will return to your console:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
1) ch_CH 3) en_US 5) fr_FR 7) ja_JP 9) ru_RU
2) de_DE 4) es_ES 6) it_IT 8) pt_PT 10) Cancel

Setting variables for posts and pages

By default, the variables of the posts and pages of Date Lang Jekyll is: post and page, but the * Date Lang Jekyll * has option to change the name of these variables posts and pages.


As well as change the name of variables "posts" and "pages"?

R: When you create a list of posts on Jekyll for example, it requires a variable that esteje present in a loop (for) in Jekyll to store this list.


{% for posting in site.posts %}
   {{ posting.title }}
{% endfor %}  

Note that the loop (for) me will return a list of posts and will store in the variable "posting" and show the post title.

But if my variable is posting and the default Date Lang Jekyll is post, how do I change?

R: To make this change of variables for posts and pages. Use the following command:

Changing variable to posts

$ bash ./ --post posting 

Changing variable to pages

$ bash ./ --page pages
  • Step 4: Including plugin Date Lang Jekyll

Lets test?!

Jekyll in the template, insert the plug Date Lang Jekyll with the following line:

{% include date/lang/en_US/en_US.jk %}


See a demonstration of how the date will be:



MIT License (MIT)