
A demo of this page can be found at https://ytyimin.github.io/sweet-pumpkin.

Site created base on Stephanie Hicks instruction at http://www.stephaniehicks.com/githubPages_tutorial/pages/githubpages-jekyll.html

Repeating the instructions here for easier reference.

The following assumes that Ruby is already installed.

#install bundler

$ gem install bundler

#install jekyll

$ gem install jekyll

#create new repository locally

$ jekyll new myrepo

#change directory to the new repository

$ cd myrepo

#initialize as a git repository

$ git init

#build default theme

$ jekyll build

#serve webpage locally (optional - just for testing)

$ jekyll serve

#Open browser and type http://localhost:4000 at the address bar to check the newly created website.

#Commit an initial change (optional)

$ git add .

$ git commit -m "initial page commit"

#Sign into your github account and create an empty repository myrepo (without readme.MD)

#Connect with github and push the website to github repository you just created (assuming the website will be hosted through gh-pages branch)

$ git branch -m master gh-pages

$ git remote add origin https://username.github.com/myrepo.git

$ git push -u origin gh-pages

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