
Welcome to Notebook, an open-source project designed with beginners in mind! Notebook is all about creating a friendly and supportive environment for developers of all levels. Whether you're just starting your coding journey or you're an experienced pro, there's a place for you here.

With Notebook, you can easily contribute to technical content and gain valuable experience in the world of open source. Our blog-like platform, built on GitHub's Jekyll framework and adorned with the user-friendly Chirpytheme, makes it a breeze to share your knowledge and learn from others. It's a win-win situation: beginners learn from the insightful posts by contributors, while contributors get the satisfaction of helping others on their coding journey. Join us at Notebook and let's learn and grow together!


Hey there, fellow developer !!!... I'm happy to see you intrested in contributing to this open source project. Since, this project is an open notebook for everyone, you're always welcome to make your techinal writing contribution by writing you own blog, tip & trick, documentation and much more. All you have to do is write down your content in markdown (just like how wrote this file) and place those file within _posts directory.

First time ???... Then I highly recommend you to check out

  • Step 1: Make sure you install the required dependencies like Ruby, bundler and Jekyll framework. Installation varies from platform to platform, so make sure to check out the

  • Step 2: After installing the required dependencies, fork this repository and clone it in your local system, using the following command:

    git clone<your-github-profile>/Notebook.git
  • Step 3: Build and run the project within your local machine. ```bash

    installing required dependencies for the project to run


host the build within your local machine

bundler exec jekyll s

> [!NOTE]
> If project build is successful, then you can view the project build that is hosted through your [localhost:4000/Notebook]( Well done, you have successfully setted up the project within your local system.

- **Step 4:** After you have setted up the project and done analyzing it, Create a new branch to work on. Make sure your branch name is small and simple.
# create and checkout to your new branch
git checkout -b <your-post-name>

# checking which branch you currently in
git branch
  • Step 5: Now, go ahead and enter your author details within the authors.yml even before you started working on your technical writing. Just make sure you're entering the details in the following format:
    # Make sure the key value does not match other authors
    name: <author_name>
    twitter: <twitter_id>
    url: <personal (or) contact url>
Looking for an example ?
  name: Shamith Nakka
  twitter: Shamith29188225
  • Step 6: Now to the actual task, Create a new markdown file with (make sure your post name is in small letters and separated by single dash) within the _post directory.

  • Step 7: Each and every markdown file that you have created for content writing should contain the following meta data (or) config: ```md

title: date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +/-TTTT categories: [<main_categories>, <sub_categories_1>, ..., <sub_categories_n>] tags: [<tag_1>, ..., <tag_n>] author: <respective_author_key_value> img_path: "/assets/img/<your_img_directory_name>/" image: path: <name_of_the_img_for_page_cover> alt: <alternative_text></p> <hr> <h1 id="your-content-writing-begins-here">Your content writing begins here</h1> <pre><code> <details> <summary>Looking for an example ?</summary> <div> ```md --- title: Welcome to the Notebook date: 2023-09-21 20:34:00 +0530 categories: [Welcome, Guide] tags: [introduction] author: shamith_watchdogs img_path: "/assets/img/welcome-page/" image: path: "welcome-img.jpg" alt: "Welcome Page" --- # remaining content down below </code></pre> <div> </details> <blockquote> <p>[!NOTE] </p> <ul> <li>Note that the <code>+/-TTTT</code> in the <code>date</code> section refers the <strong>UTC offset</strong>. You can find your <strong>UTC offset</strong> value by searching for your country in the <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener external" href="" title="Goto List of UTC offsets">list of UTC</a>. And if you're from India, you can use the above UTC offset from the example.</li> <li>Also not that <code>img_path</code> and <code>image</code> <em>(including its sub attributes)</em> are optional and only need when you're going to add images to your post.</li> <li>If there are more than one person working on a single post use <code>authors</code> attribute instead of <code>author</code>. And the input for the <code>authors</code> attribute will be a list of key of authors specified within the <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener external" href="_data/authors.yml" title="Jekyll Themes"><code>authors.yml</code></a> file.</li> </ul> </blockquote> <ul> <li><strong>Step 8:</strong> Now, you can proceed to write your technical content. And if you have any images that are part of your technical writing, then create a new directory using your post's name within <code>assets/img</code> directory as <code>assets/img/<your-post-name></code>. Now add your images to your folder. After adding images to your folder, don't forget to add location to <code>img_path</code> attribute as <code>img_path: ../../assets/img/<your-post-name></code>. Now, you can directly access your images with specifying full relative path.</li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>[!NOTE] It's highly suggested to use CDN links for images. But if you could not for any reason, then you can proceed with above process.</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li><strong>Step 9:</strong> After you done with your changes, commit them and push them back to your forked repo. ```bash<h1 id="tracing-new-files-and-stagging-new-changes">tracing new files and stagging new changes</h1> git add .</li> </ul> <h1 id="commiting-your-changes">commiting your changes</h1> <p>git commit -m "Added <your-post-name>"</p> <h1 id="check-your-branch-name">check your branch name</h1> <p>git branch</p> <h1 id="push-your-commits-to-your-origin-repo">push your commits to your origin repo</h1> <p>git push origin <your-branch-name></p> <p>```</p> <ul> <li><strong>Step 10:</strong> Now, create a pull request to the <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener external" href="" title="Jekyll Themes">original repo</a>. <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener external" href="" title="offical GitHub documentaiton">Learn about Pull requests</a></li> </ul> <p>And that it, you have done it !!!... Now, it's time for the maintainer to review you work and merge you pull request. If there's any issue with your pull request, then the maintainer will contact you and asks for a few changes. And he merges your Pull request, you have successfully did your first open source contribution that actual help others.</p> <p>Everybody can see you work and make use of it. Good job, mate !!...</p> <h1 id="contributors">Contributors</h1> <p>Thank you for your valuable contribution to this repo. You work will not be forgotten..</p> <div align="center"> <a href = ""> <img src = ""/> </a> </div><!----><!--]--></div> <div class="categories grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 gap-1 lg:grid-cols-4 mt-3"><!--[--><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/minimal">minimal</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/academic">academic</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/resume">resume</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/portfolio">portfolio</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/documentation">documentation</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/wiki">wiki</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/tailwind">tailwind</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/bootstrap">bootstrap</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/dark">dark</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/ecommerce">ecommerce</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/github-pages">github-pages</a><a data-sveltekit-prefetch="" class="relative font-bold grid place-items-center bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-600 text-white p-4" href="/category/blog">blog</a><!--]--></div> <!--[!--><!--]--><!----> <!--[!--><!--]--><!----><!--]--><!----></div> <footer class="border-t border-gray-400 mt-20 py-4"><ul class="md:flex items-center"><!--[--><li class="mr-3"><a class="underline hover:text-red-500" href="/" title="Home">Home</a></li><li class="mr-3"><a class="underline hover:text-red-500" href="/blog" title="Blog">Blog</a></li><li class="mr-3"><a class="underline hover:text-red-500" href="/free" title="Free Themes">Free Themes</a></li><li class="mr-3"><a class="underline hover:text-red-500" href="/category" title="Categories">Categories</a></li><li class="mr-3"><a class="underline hover:text-red-500" href="/sitemap.xml" title="Sitemap">Sitemap</a></li><!--]--></ul></footer><!----></div> <!--[--><div class="loader-animation svelte-dd0kya"><div class="box-loader svelte-15wh1h2"><div class="container-1 svelte-15wh1h2"><div class="glass svelte-15wh1h2"><div class="cap-left svelte-15wh1h2"><span class="svelte-15wh1h2"></span></div> <div class="cap-right svelte-15wh1h2"><span class="svelte-15wh1h2"></span></div> <div class="fill svelte-15wh1h2"><div class="bubble-1 svelte-15wh1h2"><span class="svelte-15wh1h2"></span></div> <div class="bubble-2 svelte-15wh1h2"><span class="svelte-15wh1h2"></span></div> <div class="bubble-3 svelte-15wh1h2"><span class="svelte-15wh1h2"></span></div> <div class="bubble-4 svelte-15wh1h2"><span class="svelte-15wh1h2"></span></div> <div class="bubble-5 svelte-15wh1h2"><span class="svelte-15wh1h2"></span></div> <div class="bubble-6 svelte-15wh1h2"><span class="svelte-15wh1h2"></span></div></div></div></div></div><!----></div><!--]--><!----><!--]--> <!--[!--><!--]--><!--]--> <script type="application/json" data-sveltekit-fetched data-url="/api/Grow-with-Open-Source/Notebook.json" data-ttl="604800">{"status":200,"statusText":"","headers":{},"body":"{\"id\":\"R_kgDOKaBqDg\",\"stargazerCount\":1,\"updatedAt\":\"2024-10-26T06:24:37Z\",\"homepageUrl\":\"\",\"description\":\"A simple content writing open source powered by chirpy themed jekyll project.\",\"descriptionHTML\":\"\u003Cdiv>A simple content writing open source powered by chirpy themed jekyll project.\u003C/div>\",\"forkCount\":3,\"openGraphImageUrl\":\"\",\"url\":\"\",\"nameWithOwner\":\"Grow-with-Open-Source/Notebook\",\"name\":\"Notebook\",\"readme1\":{\"text\":\"# NoteBook\\n\\n\u003Cdiv align=\\\"center\\\">\\n\\n![Ruby](\\n![Markdown](\\n![Visual Studio Code](\\n![Github Pages](\\n![Rss](\\n\\n\u003Cbr>\\n\\n[![Open Source Love](](\\n![issues](\\n![Pull Request](\\n![Stars](\\n![Forks](\\n![Gem Version](\\n![GitHub license](\\n\\n\u003C/div>\\n\\nWelcome to **Notebook**, an open-source project designed with beginners in mind! Notebook is all about creating a friendly and supportive environment for developers of all levels. Whether you're just starting your coding journey or you're an experienced pro, there's a place for you here.\\n\\nWith Notebook, you can easily contribute to technical content and gain valuable experience in the world of open source. Our blog-like platform, built on GitHub's [Jekyll]( \\\"visit offical jekyll website\\\") framework and adorned with the user-friendly [Chirpy]( \\\"goto chripy offical repo\\\")theme, makes it a breeze to share your knowledge and learn from others. **It's a win-win situation:** beginners learn from the insightful posts by contributors, while contributors get the satisfaction of helping others on their coding journey. Join us at Notebook and let's learn and grow together!\\n\\n\u003Cdiv align=\\\"center\\\">\\n\\n![chripy demo page](assets/img/about-tab/chirpy-demo-page.png)\\n\\n\u003C/div>\\n\\n## Contribution\\n\\nHey there, fellow developer !!!... I'm happy to see you intrested in contributing to this open source project. Since, this project is an open notebook for everyone, you're always welcome to make your techinal writing contribution by writing you own blog, tip & trick, documentation and much more. All you have to do is write down your content in `markdown` *(just like how wrote this file)* and place those file within `_posts` directory. \\n\\n> First time ???... Then I highly recommend you to check out []( \\\"goto\\\").\\n\\n- **Step 1:** Make sure you install the required dependencies like `Ruby`, `bundler` and `Jekyll` framework. Installation varies from platform to platform, so make sure to check out the []( \\\"goto\\\").\\n\\n- **Step 2:** After installing the required dependencies, [fork]( \\\"Let's fork this repo\\\") this repository and clone it in your local system, using the following command:\\n```bash\\ngit clone\u003Cyour-github-profile>/Notebook.git\\n```\\n\\n- **Step 3:** Build and run the project within your local machine.\\n```bash\\n# installing required dependencies for the project to run\\nbundle\\n\\n# host the build within your local machine\\nbundler exec jekyll s\\n```\\n\\n> [!NOTE]\\n> If project build is successful, then you can view the project build that is hosted through your [localhost:4000/Notebook]( Well done, you have successfully setted up the project within your local system.\\n\\n- **Step 4:** After you have setted up the project and done analyzing it, Create a new branch to work on. Make sure your branch name is small and simple.\\n```bash\\n# create and checkout to your new branch\\ngit checkout -b \u003Cyour-post-name>\\n\\n# checking which branch you currently in\\ngit branch\\n```\\n\\n- **Step 5:** Now, go ahead and enter your author details within the [`authors.yml`](_data/authors.yml) even before you started working on your technical writing. Just make sure you're entering the details in the following format:\\n```yml\\n# Make sure the key value does not match other authors\\nunique_key_value:\\n name: \u003Cauthor_name>\\n twitter: \u003Ctwitter_id>\\n url: \u003Cpersonal (or) contact url>\\n```\\n\\n\u003Cdetails>\\n\u003Csummary>Looking for an example ?\u003C/summary>\\n\u003Cdiv>\\n\\n```yml\\nshamith_watchdogs:\\n name: Shamith Nakka\\n twitter: Shamith29188225\\n url:\\n```\\n\\n\u003Cdiv>\\n\u003C/details>\\n\\n\\n- **Step 6:** Now to the actual task, Create a new markdown file with `` *(make sure your post name is in small letters and separated by single dash)* within the [`_post`](/tree/main/_posts/) directory.\\n\\n- **Step 7:** Each and every markdown file that you have created for content writing should contain the following meta data (or) config:\\n```md\\n ---\\n title: \u003Ctitle>\\n date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +/-TTTT\\n categories: [\u003Cmain_categories>, \u003Csub_categories_1>, ..., \u003Csub_categories_n>]\\n tags: [\u003Ctag_1>, ..., \u003Ctag_n>]\\n author: \u003Crespective_author_key_value>\\n img_path: \\\"/assets/img/\u003Cyour_img_directory_name>/\\\"\\n image:\\n path: \u003Cname_of_the_img_for_page_cover>\\n alt: \u003Calternative_text>\\n ---\\n\\n # Your content writing begins here\\n```\\n\\n\u003Cdetails>\\n\u003Csummary>Looking for an example ?\u003C/summary>\\n\u003Cdiv>\\n\\n```md\\n---\\ntitle: Welcome to the Notebook\\ndate: 2023-09-21 20:34:00 +0530\\ncategories: [Welcome, Guide]\\ntags: [introduction]\\nauthor: shamith_watchdogs\\nimg_path: \\\"/assets/img/welcome-page/\\\"\\nimage:\\n path: \\\"welcome-img.jpg\\\"\\n alt: \\\"Welcome Page\\\"\\n---\\n\\n# remaining content down below\\n```\\n\\n\u003Cdiv>\\n\u003C/details>\\n\\n> [!NOTE] \\n> - Note that the `+/-TTTT` in the `date` section refers the **UTC offset**. You can find your **UTC offset** value by searching for your country in the [list of UTC]( \\\"Goto List of UTC offsets\\\"). And if you're from India, you can use the above UTC offset from the example.\\n> - Also not that `img_path` and `image` *(including its sub attributes)* are optional and only need when you're going to add images to your post.\\n> - If there are more than one person working on a single post use `authors` attribute instead of `author`. And the input for the `authors` attribute will be a list of key of authors specified within the [`authors.yml`](_data/authors.yml) file.\\n\\n- **Step 8:** Now, you can proceed to write your technical content. And if you have any images that are part of your technical writing, then create a new directory using your post's name within `assets/img` directory as `assets/img/\u003Cyour-post-name>`. Now add your images to your folder. After adding images to your folder, don't forget to add location to `img_path` attribute as `img_path: ../../assets/img/\u003Cyour-post-name>`. Now, you can directly access your images with specifying full relative path.\\n\\n> [!NOTE] \\n> It's highly suggested to use CDN links for images. But if you could not for any reason, then you can proceed with above process.\\n\\n- **Step 9:** After you done with your changes, commit them and push them back to your forked repo.\\n```bash\\n# tracing new files and stagging new changes\\ngit add .\\n\\n# commiting your changes\\ngit commit -m \\\"Added \u003Cyour-post-name>\\\"\\n\\n# check your branch name\\ngit branch\\n\\n# push your commits to your origin repo\\ngit push origin \u003Cyour-branch-name>\\n```\\n\\n- **Step 10:** Now, create a pull request to the [original repo]( [Learn about Pull requests]( \\\"offical GitHub documentaiton\\\")\\n\\nAnd that it, you have done it !!!... Now, it's time for the maintainer to review you work and merge you pull request. If there's any issue with your pull request, then the maintainer will contact you and asks for a few changes. And he merges your Pull request, you have successfully did your first open source contribution that actual help others.\\n\\nEverybody can see you work and make use of it. Good job, mate !!...\\n\\n# Contributors\\n\\nThank you for your valuable contribution to this repo. You work will not be forgotten..\\n\\n\u003Cdiv align=\\\"center\\\">\\n \u003Ca href = \\\"\\\">\\n \u003Cimg src = \\\"\\\"/>\\n \u003C/a>\\n\u003C/div>\"},\"readme2\":null,\"readme3\":null,\"readme4\":null,\"readme5\":null,\"repositoryTopics\":{\"nodes\":[{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"blog\"}},{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"chirpy-theme\"}},{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"content-writing\"}},{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"jekyll\"}},{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"jekyll-theme\"}},{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"markdown\"}},{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"markdown-to-html\"}},{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"open-source\"}},{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"hacktoberfest\"}},{\"topic\":{\"name\":\"hacktoberfest-starter\"}}]},\"owner\":{\"avatarUrl\":\"\",\"url\":\"\",\"login\":\"Grow-with-Open-Source\"},\"htmlContent\":\"\u003Ch1 id=\\\"notebook\\\">NoteBook\u003C/h1>\\n\u003Cdiv align=\\\"center\\\">\\n\\n\u003Cp>\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Ruby\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Markdown\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Visual Studio Code\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Github Pages\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Rss\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\\n\u003Cbr>\\n\\n\u003Cp>\u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Jekyll Themes\\\">\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Open Source Love\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"issues\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Pull Request\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Stars\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Forks\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"Gem Version\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\\n\u003Ca rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">\u003Cimg src= title=\\\"GitHub license\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" />\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\\n\u003C/div>\\n\\n\u003Cp>Welcome to \u003Cstrong>Notebook\u003C/strong>, an open-source project designed with beginners in mind! Notebook is all about creating a friendly and supportive environment for developers of all levels. Whether you're just starting your coding journey or you're an experienced pro, there's a place for you here.\u003C/p>\\n\u003Cp>With Notebook, you can easily contribute to technical content and gain valuable experience in the world of open source. Our blog-like platform, built on GitHub's \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"visit offical jekyll website\\\">Jekyll\u003C/a> framework and adorned with the user-friendly \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"goto chripy offical repo\\\">Chirpy\u003C/a>theme, makes it a breeze to share your knowledge and learn from others. \u003Cstrong>It's a win-win situation:\u003C/strong> beginners learn from the insightful posts by contributors, while contributors get the satisfaction of helping others on their coding journey. Join us at Notebook and let's learn and grow together!\u003C/p>\\n\u003Cdiv align=\\\"center\\\">\\n\\n\u003Cp>\u003Cp>\u003C/p>\u003C/p>\\n\u003C/div>\\n\\n\u003Ch2 id=\\\"contribution\\\">Contribution\u003C/h2>\\n\u003Cp>Hey there, fellow developer !!!... I'm happy to see you intrested in contributing to this open source project. Since, this project is an open notebook for everyone, you're always welcome to make your techinal writing contribution by writing you own blog, tip & trick, documentation and much more. All you have to do is write down your content in \u003Ccode>markdown\u003C/code> \u003Cem>(just like how wrote this file)\u003C/em> and place those file within \u003Ccode>_posts\u003C/code> directory. \u003C/p>\\n\u003Cblockquote>\\n\u003Cp>First time ???... Then I highly recommend you to check out \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"goto\\\">\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\\n\u003C/blockquote>\\n\u003Cul>\\n\u003Cli>\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Step 1:\u003C/strong> Make sure you install the required dependencies like \u003Ccode>Ruby\u003C/code>, \u003Ccode>bundler\u003C/code> and \u003Ccode>Jekyll\u003C/code> framework. Installation varies from platform to platform, so make sure to check out the \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"goto\\\">\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\\n\u003C/li>\\n\u003Cli>\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Step 2:\u003C/strong> After installing the required dependencies, \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Let's fork this repo\\\">fork\u003C/a> this repository and clone it in your local system, using the following command:\u003C/p>\\n\u003Cpre>\u003Ccode class=\\\"language-bash\\\">git clone<your-github-profile>/Notebook.git\\n\u003C/code>\u003C/pre>\\n\u003C/li>\\n\u003Cli>\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Step 3:\u003C/strong> Build and run the project within your local machine.\\n```bash\u003C/p>\\n\u003Ch1 id=\\\"installing-required-dependencies-for-the-project-to-run\\\">installing required dependencies for the project to run\u003C/h1>\\n\u003Cp>bundle\u003C/p>\\n\u003C/li>\\n\u003C/ul>\\n\u003Ch1 id=\\\"host-the-build-within-your-local-machine\\\">host the build within your local machine\u003C/h1>\\n\u003Cp>bundler exec jekyll s\u003C/p>\\n\u003Cpre>\u003Ccode>\\n> [!NOTE]\\n> If project build is successful, then you can view the project build that is hosted through your [localhost:4000/Notebook]( Well done, you have successfully setted up the project within your local system.\\n\\n- **Step 4:** After you have setted up the project and done analyzing it, Create a new branch to work on. Make sure your branch name is small and simple.\\n```bash\\n# create and checkout to your new branch\\ngit checkout -b <your-post-name>\\n\\n# checking which branch you currently in\\ngit branch\\n\u003C/code>\u003C/pre>\\n\u003Cul>\\n\u003Cli>\u003Cstrong>Step 5:\u003C/strong> Now, go ahead and enter your author details within the \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"_data/authors.yml\\\" title=\\\"Jekyll Themes\\\">\u003Ccode>authors.yml\u003C/code>\u003C/a> even before you started working on your technical writing. Just make sure you're entering the details in the following format:\u003Cpre>\u003Ccode class=\\\"language-yml\\\"># Make sure the key value does not match other authors\\nunique_key_value:\\nname: <author_name>\\ntwitter: <twitter_id>\\nurl: <personal (or) contact url>\\n\u003C/code>\u003C/pre>\\n\u003C/li>\\n\u003C/ul>\\n\u003Cdetails>\\n\u003Csummary>Looking for an example ?\u003C/summary>\\n\u003Cdiv>\\n\\n\u003Cpre>\u003Ccode class=\\\"language-yml\\\">shamith_watchdogs:\\n name: Shamith Nakka\\n twitter: Shamith29188225\\n url:\\n\u003C/code>\u003C/pre>\\n\u003Cdiv>\\n\u003C/details>\\n\\n\\n\u003Cul>\\n\u003Cli>\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Step 6:\u003C/strong> Now to the actual task, Create a new markdown file with \u003Ccode>\u003C/code> \u003Cem>(make sure your post name is in small letters and separated by single dash)\u003C/em> within the \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"/tree/main/_posts/\\\" title=\\\"Jekyll Themes\\\">\u003Ccode>_post\u003C/code>\u003C/a> directory.\u003C/p>\\n\u003C/li>\\n\u003Cli>\u003Cp>\u003Cstrong>Step 7:\u003C/strong> Each and every markdown file that you have created for content writing should contain the following meta data (or) config:\\n```md\u003C/p>\\n\u003C/li>\\n\u003C/ul>\\n\u003Chr>\\n\u003Cp> title: \u003Ctitle>\\n date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +/-TTTT\\n categories: [\u003Cmain_categories>, \u003Csub_categories_1>, ..., \u003Csub_categories_n>]\\n tags: [\u003Ctag_1>, ..., \u003Ctag_n>]\\n author: \u003Crespective_author_key_value>\\n img_path: "/assets/img/\u003Cyour_img_directory_name>/"\\n image:\\n path: \u003Cname_of_the_img_for_page_cover>\\n alt: \u003Calternative_text>\u003C/p>\\n\u003Chr>\\n\u003Ch1 id=\\\"your-content-writing-begins-here\\\">Your content writing begins here\u003C/h1>\\n\u003Cpre>\u003Ccode>\\n<details>\\n<summary>Looking for an example ?</summary>\\n<div>\\n\\n```md\\n---\\ntitle: Welcome to the Notebook\\ndate: 2023-09-21 20:34:00 +0530\\ncategories: [Welcome, Guide]\\ntags: [introduction]\\nauthor: shamith_watchdogs\\nimg_path: "/assets/img/welcome-page/"\\nimage:\\n path: "welcome-img.jpg"\\n alt: "Welcome Page"\\n---\\n\\n# remaining content down below\\n\u003C/code>\u003C/pre>\\n\u003Cdiv>\\n\u003C/details>\\n\\n\u003Cblockquote>\\n\u003Cp>[!NOTE] \u003C/p>\\n\u003Cul>\\n\u003Cli>Note that the \u003Ccode>+/-TTTT\u003C/code> in the \u003Ccode>date\u003C/code> section refers the \u003Cstrong>UTC offset\u003C/strong>. You can find your \u003Cstrong>UTC offset\u003C/strong> value by searching for your country in the \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Goto List of UTC offsets\\\">list of UTC\u003C/a>. And if you're from India, you can use the above UTC offset from the example.\u003C/li>\\n\u003Cli>Also not that \u003Ccode>img_path\u003C/code> and \u003Ccode>image\u003C/code> \u003Cem>(including its sub attributes)\u003C/em> are optional and only need when you're going to add images to your post.\u003C/li>\\n\u003Cli>If there are more than one person working on a single post use \u003Ccode>authors\u003C/code> attribute instead of \u003Ccode>author\u003C/code>. And the input for the \u003Ccode>authors\u003C/code> attribute will be a list of key of authors specified within the \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"_data/authors.yml\\\" title=\\\"Jekyll Themes\\\">\u003Ccode>authors.yml\u003C/code>\u003C/a> file.\u003C/li>\\n\u003C/ul>\\n\u003C/blockquote>\\n\u003Cul>\\n\u003Cli>\u003Cstrong>Step 8:\u003C/strong> Now, you can proceed to write your technical content. And if you have any images that are part of your technical writing, then create a new directory using your post's name within \u003Ccode>assets/img\u003C/code> directory as \u003Ccode>assets/img/<your-post-name>\u003C/code>. Now add your images to your folder. After adding images to your folder, don't forget to add location to \u003Ccode>img_path\u003C/code> attribute as \u003Ccode>img_path: ../../assets/img/<your-post-name>\u003C/code>. Now, you can directly access your images with specifying full relative path.\u003C/li>\\n\u003C/ul>\\n\u003Cblockquote>\\n\u003Cp>[!NOTE] \\nIt's highly suggested to use CDN links for images. But if you could not for any reason, then you can proceed with above process.\u003C/p>\\n\u003C/blockquote>\\n\u003Cul>\\n\u003Cli>\u003Cstrong>Step 9:\u003C/strong> After you done with your changes, commit them and push them back to your forked repo.\\n```bash\u003Ch1 id=\\\"tracing-new-files-and-stagging-new-changes\\\">tracing new files and stagging new changes\u003C/h1>\\ngit add .\u003C/li>\\n\u003C/ul>\\n\u003Ch1 id=\\\"commiting-your-changes\\\">commiting your changes\u003C/h1>\\n\u003Cp>git commit -m "Added \u003Cyour-post-name>"\u003C/p>\\n\u003Ch1 id=\\\"check-your-branch-name\\\">check your branch name\u003C/h1>\\n\u003Cp>git branch\u003C/p>\\n\u003Ch1 id=\\\"push-your-commits-to-your-origin-repo\\\">push your commits to your origin repo\u003C/h1>\\n\u003Cp>git push origin \u003Cyour-branch-name>\u003C/p>\\n\u003Cp>```\u003C/p>\\n\u003Cul>\\n\u003Cli>\u003Cstrong>Step 10:\u003C/strong> Now, create a pull request to the \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Jekyll Themes\\\">original repo\u003C/a>. \u003Ca target=\\\"_blank\\\" rel=\\\"nofollow noreferrer noopener external\\\" href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"offical GitHub documentaiton\\\">Learn about Pull requests\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\\n\u003C/ul>\\n\u003Cp>And that it, you have done it !!!... Now, it's time for the maintainer to review you work and merge you pull request. If there's any issue with your pull request, then the maintainer will contact you and asks for a few changes. And he merges your Pull request, you have successfully did your first open source contribution that actual help others.\u003C/p>\\n\u003Cp>Everybody can see you work and make use of it. Good job, mate !!...\u003C/p>\\n\u003Ch1 id=\\\"contributors\\\">Contributors\u003C/h1>\\n\u003Cp>Thank you for your valuable contribution to this repo. You work will not be forgotten..\u003C/p>\\n\u003Cdiv align=\\\"center\\\">\\n \u003Ca href = \\\"\\\">\\n \u003Cimg src = \\\"\\\"/>\\n \u003C/a>\\n\u003C/div>\"}"}</script> <script> { __sveltekit_wjjcho = { base: new URL("..", location).pathname.slice(0, -1) }; const element = document.currentScript.parentElement; const data = [null,null]; Promise.all([ import("../_app/immutable/entry/start.f8a66ebb.js"), import("../_app/immutable/entry/app.8fd6fcab.js") ]).then(([kit, app]) => { kit.start(app, element, { node_ids: [0, 13], data, form: null, error: null }); }); if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { addEventListener('load', function () { navigator.serviceWorker.register('../service-worker.js'); }); } } </script> <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous" ></script> </div> </body> </html>