
The website is currently unmaintained, so there is a high chance that the PRs/issues won't be responded to. Sorry!

This repository contains the source code to, dedicated to the legendary Czech village Meziklasí. Code of site is published under GPLv3 license and site content under CC BY 4.0.

Local setup


  • Ruby (tested on 2.7)
  • Bundler (gem install bundler)
  • Jekyll (gem install jekyll)
  • Gems that Meziklasí relies on (bundle update)
  • Node.js

For image generation, libvips is required. This can be installed with apt by executing sudo apt install libvips libvips-dev libvips-tools or on other platforms as described in libvips's docs.


To start the development server, you can run the following command and then go to localhost:4000.

bundle exec jekyll serve

Commits are automatically deployed using GitHub actions.

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