This is my personal site, made with GitHub pages and Jekyll.
It includes my blog, where I write about programming, machine learning and productivity, and my Digital Garden or wiki where I post my notes on books, courses, papers and such.
The wiki aims at being made of heavily interlinked, in-depth evergreen notes and is mostly for my own use and consumption. The blog is public-facing and carries the mission of helping people see the beauty of algorithms.
The wiki is meant to be read in the web format.
šæ : closed thread (spawned a note)
š± : open thread (invites further reading and goes into eternal backlog)
For LaTeX enclose markdown in {% raw %} \\\( \\\) {% endraw %}
If you want to build your own personal wiki / personal site using mine as a template, I recommend you fork my Personal Wiki Github Project. You can follow the Personal Wiki setup tutorial I wrote here.
To run the site locally, run
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"
sudo gem install rails
sudo gem install jekyll
sudo gem install jekyll bundler
bundle init
bundle install
bundle add jekyll
bundle exec jekyll serve