

Powerful and configurable PlantUML plugin for Jekyll


Generate PlantUML for your jekyll thingamajig.

This was inspired by yjpark/jekyll-plantuml and yegor256/jekyll-plantuml, but I felt a full rewrite was in order as I wanted more options, like generating svg instead of png, and I wanted to generate uml from bigly files, not small inlined texts (although I might add the ability to inline at some point).

This plugin will generate PlantUML from files with all extensions that are supported by vscode-plantuml:

That is *.wsd, *.pu, *.puml, *.plantuml, *.iuml.


1. Get dis plugin

You can use git submodules to install this as a plugin.

From your jekyll folder:

mkdir _plugins # if need be
cd _plugins
git submodule add

2. Get PlantUML

Get yerself a plantuml.jar from

3. (Optional) Get Graphviz

You also might, or might not (more likely) need GraphViz.
Id recommend just trying to run without it, and in case it does not work check out for info on how to get dat GraphViz.


You can configure dis boi in _config.yml under plantuml key:

  plantuml_jar: c:/path/plantuml.jar # path to plantuml.jar
  type: utxt                         # type (passed as -t option, ex: -tutxt)
  extension: txt                     # output extension override
  plantuml_args: -nometadata         # extra args to be passed to plantuml
  java_args: -Xmx1G                  # extra args to be passed to java
  • plantuml_jar is just plantuml.jar by default
  • type is svg by default
  • extension is deduced from type according to "Types of Output File" table over at (ex: type: braille gives you extension: png), but can be specified to override it (like say generating a .txt file instead of .atxt or .utxt)
  • plantuml_args are any of the arguments you can find on
  • java_args are ye java arguments
    Both _args options are empty strings by default

How work?

A jekyll-optional-front-matter inspired Jekyll::Generator is used to get all the PlantUML files with specified extensions and turn them into Pages, to be then processed by a Jekyll::Converter.

This Jekyll::Converter expands the config into

"java -Djava.awt.headless=true #{java_args} -jar #{plantuml_jar} -t#{type} #{plantuml_args} -pipe"

and pipes the output from that into the newly generated page, which is then saved with the same file path and name, but under new extension.



Alice -> Bob: test

![Cool graph](graph.svg)


  plantuml_jar: c:/path/plantuml.jar

This will get you generating svg files from plantuml in no time ;)