A GovSpeak to English translator a.k.a. glossary of common government IT and procurement terms, abbreviations and acronyms (CGITPTAA).
You can also get programatic access to the terms via terms.json
The goal of the government glossary is to curate an open source list of common government IT (and also to an extent procurment) terms, abbreviations, and acronyms to demystify govspeak jargon.
The Government Glossary is licensed under CC0.
Terms are stored in the _data/terms.yml as YAML, which is essentially each line containing a term and it's definition, with a single colon separating the two. A term might look like this:
GovSpeak: A language of acronyms spoken primarily in the Washington DC province of the United States
Beyond that, the terms are rendered human readable via index.html
and machine readable via terms.json