Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program
Project 2. Portfolio site
Brendon Smith
This was my second project for the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer nanodegree program. Students were provided with a design mockup (screenshot) of a developer portfolio webpage, and had to replicate the design with HTML and CSS.
I based the webpage on Bootstrap v4.0.0. In the main webpage index.html, I linked to the Bootstrap core CSS through their Content Delivery Network (CDN). I also included Prism syntax highlighting CSS and JavaScript files, and portfolio.css for additional custom styling.
I provided a toggle button in the navigation menu that uses jQuery JavaScript to change the page color scheme.
I used the webpage design to create a full website with Jekyll, and hosted the site with GitHub Pages. The website includes a homepage, an "About" page where I introduce myself and my Udacity work, a "Methods" page explaining how I built the site in detail, a "Rubric" page providing the Udacity project documentation, and a "Review" page documenting the Udacity code review.
All files for the GitHub pages site reside in the docs/ directory. HTML, CSS, and JS files above the docs/ directory were used only to submit the homepage for the Udacity project.
The Udacity project only requires a simple webpage, which is at index.html. I also made a full GitHub Pages website using Jekyll, in the docs/ directory. To run the Jekyll site:
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
. This installs Ruby gems to ./vendor/bundle, which avoids having to write to the system RubyGems directory.bundle exec jekyll serve