

An ASCII-version selfie of myself, presented using a little Jekyll website that includes the text file


An ASCII-version selfie of myself, presented using a little Jekyll website that includes the text file


How can you do the same? Easily explained in 13 steps!


  • Git knowledge basics
  • HTML5, CSS3 knowledge basics
  • Jekyll to test the website locally
  • An Android phone to use the application
  1. Downloaded AsciiCam Android application: AsciiCam in the Google Play Store I've found this for iPhone but not tested it

  2. Took a selfie Using default camera application on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 (no filters ;))

  3. Imported the recently taken selfie Using the button with an a letter in the right bar of the AsciiCam application

  4. Exported the picture to my personal Google Drive Using the Share Picture -> Share Text option and then Save to Google Drive from the Android UI

  5. Created a basic Jekyll site Using the following commands:

    1. Create the project folder jekyll new selfie
    2. Change into the project folder cd selfie
    3. Created _config.yml, _layouts/default.html, _includes/head.html, _includes/content.html, modified index.html and added some assets (a CSS file and some favicons with its browser-specific definitions)
      • Using sources from website as a template
      • In _includes/content.html the key is to include the text photo as a block of text:
        <pre>{% include photo.txt %}</pre>
  6. Copied the photo as text to the _includes folder and assets/txt folder To the _includes folder so the text can be included using Jekyll and to the assets/txt folder so it lives online as a separated text resource

  7. Created a Git repository, and added main files To create an empty Git repository: git init . Then added some files:

    • .gitignore (Jekyll template from GitHub gitignores)
    • .gitattributes to always checkout the same UNIX-like EOL
    • describing the steps to create the project
    • LICENSE the license of the project
    • CNAME file to set a custom domain to the GitHub Pages project

    Added and commited those files: git add .git* CNAME && git commit -m "Initial commit"

  8. Add the project files too Commit the project files git add * && git commit -m "First site"

  9. Created an empty repository in GitHub Using the GitHub website. I create one named selfie, without including a README or LICENSE to create an empty repo

  10. Added a remote Set a git remote git remote add github [email protected]:davidlj95/selfie

  11. Push changes to the remote git push -u github master

  12. Set the project as a GitHub Pages project In the repository settings page in GitHub, section GitHub Pages, select master as Source and Save

  13. Enjoy it