

URL redirects in Jekyll with HTML and JavaScript. Github Pages compatible. (This repository is archived. Issues are disabled. Pull requests will be ignored.)

Jekyll Redirect Layout

Jekyll layout to create URL redirects with HTML and JavaScript. No plugin necessary.

Generates Javascript redirects with fall back to meta refresh redirects. Fully compatible with Github Pages.

View a live demo running on Github Pages. The code and configuration for the demo is in the gh-pages branch.


  1. Add _layouts/redirect.html to the _layouts folder.

  2. Create a _redirects folder in the Jekyll root folder.

  3. Add the following to _config.yml. This adds the redirects collection to Jekyll and sets the default layout for the collection to _layouts/redirect.html:

        output: true
          type: redirects
          layout: redirect


A redirect is a Jekyll page which redirects the browser to a new location. Redirect files are added to the _redirects folder and use the redirect layout by default.

Configure each redirect with front-matter variables:

permalink (required)

The permalink is the URL of the redirect. For example:

permalink: /redirect-this-url/

destination (required)

The destination is the URL to which the browser will be redirected. For example:

destination: /to-this-location/

canonical (optional. defaults to false)

Set canonical to true to indicate the destination is the canonical URL for this redirect.

When using a sitemap generator, it is common to exclude all redirects from the sitemap. Usually this is done by adding sitemap: false as a front-matter variable.


There are more examples located in the _redirects folder.

An example internal canonical redirect:

permalink: /redirect-this-url/
destination: /to-this-location/
canonical: true

An example external redirect:

permalink: /leaving/
canonical: false
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