

Static sites to executable binaries converter. Convert sites exported from Next.js, Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Sveltekit to executable binaries.


Static sites to executable binaries converter.
Portable binaries for any systems.

Convert sites exported from Next.js, Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Sveltekit
to executable binary.

Quick Setup: Easy setup.

Hassle Free: Portable binaries to run anywhere on any system.

Platform: Supports (arm64, arch64, Mac, Mac M1, Ubuntu and Windows).

Graceful Reloads: Reloads server gracefully without dropping any connections.

Supports: Sites exported using Next.js, Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, Sveltekit and etc.

Supports: HTML, CSS, JS, Images, Fonts, SVGs, JSON, XML, Markdown and etc.

Supports: Base Path, Custom Port.

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Install go using https://github.com/kevincobain2000/gobrew

Convert static site to executable binary

git clone https://github.com/kevincobain2000/go-hexe.git

# make sure you copy the folder to dist in current dir
cp -r ../path/to/your/website dist

go build main.go


go run main.go
# or
jekyll logo

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