Static sites to executable binaries converter.
Portable binaries for any systems.
Convert sites exported from Next.js, Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Sveltekit
to executable binary.
Quick Setup: Easy setup.
Hassle Free: Portable binaries to run anywhere on any system.
Platform: Supports (arm64, arch64, Mac, Mac M1, Ubuntu and Windows).
Graceful Reloads: Reloads server gracefully without dropping any connections.
Supports: Sites exported using Next.js, Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, Sveltekit and etc.
Supports: HTML, CSS, JS, Images, Fonts, SVGs, JSON, XML, Markdown and etc.
Supports: Base Path, Custom Port.
Install go
git clone
# make sure you copy the folder to dist in current dir
cp -r ../path/to/your/website dist
go build main.go
go run main.go
# or