Parse Docs

These are the markdown sources for all of the Parse SDK guides. The content for the guides is stored in this repo, and we use Jekyll to generate a static site that is hosted on GitHub Pages.

Repository Structure

The guides are organized by platform inside the _includes directory. Each platform directory contains a set of markdown files, one for each main section in the guide.

└── _includes
    ├── {platform}
    │   └── {section}
    └── common
        └── {section}

For example, /_includes/ios/ contains all of sections for the iOS guide. There is also a /_includes/common folder that contains content that is shared amongst all of the guides. It helps us avoid duplicating content unnecessarily.

Can I Access The Docs Offline?

This repository is public and all the files are in markdown. If you'd like to keep a copy locally, please do!

How Do I Contribute?

If you have any fixes or suggestions, simply send us a pull request!

Running The Site Locally

You will need Ruby, Bundler, and npm.

Clone this repository, then install Jekyll and node packages:

bundle install
npm install

Then run webpack and Jekyll:

Start in Linux/OS X:

npm start

Start in Windows command prompt:

npm run dev-win

Finally, open http://localhost:4000/ in your web browser. File changes will be output to _site folder and the browser will auto refresh.

As of April 5, 2017, Parse, LLC has transferred this code to the parse-community organization, and will no longer be contributing to or distributing this code.