

The technical blog for the Ritter Insurance Marketing development department.


Photography by JJ Walck


  1. Install latest version of node (if not already installed)
  2. Clone repository
  3. cd into repository
  4. npm install
  5. To run: npm run start

Creating posts

  • Browse to src/content/posts/
  • Create a new markdown file
    • Filename should follow this convention: YYYY-MM-DD-POST-TITLE.md
    • Required Frontmatter:
      • title - name of the post
      • slug - permalink for the post
      • date - post date
      • authors - array of authors
      • tags - array of tags
      • categories - array of categories
      • twitter_text - text that will display when shared to twitter
      • image - post header image
      • image_url - url where image is sourced from
      • image_credit - owner of the image

Adding an image

Add images to the public/images/ directory. Inside posts you can include these by linking just off of images/.

Example Markdown File

When you create a new post, you need to fill the post information in the front-matter, follow this example:

title: "How to use"
- <Your name here>
date: 2015-08-03 03:32:44
image: "/images/my-great-image.jpg"
image_url: <url/page associated with image>
image_credit: <name for image credit>
- jekyll
- template
- I love Jekyll
twitter_text: "How to install and use this template"

If the page has no image, image: can be omitted entirely. A default system image will be used. If image_credit: is specified, then image_url: should also be specified.

TAGS: Check existing Tags here before creating new ones

CC Attribution blog images

Using a Creative Commons image requiring attribution?

image: https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4103/5029857600_d8ed3aaa06_b_d.jpg
image_url: https://www.flickr.com/photos/khawkins04/
image_credit: Ken Hawkins

Author pages

Author pages are located in src/content/authors

name: Bill Boga
slug: bill-boga
image: /images/default/annex-billboga.jpg
avatar: https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/3382469?v=3
title: Senior Software Developer
desc: Polyglot with focus on C#. Also enjoy building and tinkering with hardware.
twitter: billbogaiv
github: billbogaiv

Pets Page

Pets can be added by adding a 500x500px photo to public/images/pets/ and adding information to the src/data/pets.json file.