Awesome jekyll websites list
A curated list of awesome Jekyll websites.


This awesome list is based on jekyll wiki page, but it is built according to awesome list styles and the broken links were removed. Also it contains CI build that is checking the availiability of resources. You can easly add your website here, read the contribtuion guidline.
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The list of jekyll websites
- Tom Preston-Werner (source)
- The Pug Automatic (source / Jekyll fork) – Custom fork with Haml, Sass etc. Single page for tags with per-tag anchors. Single page archive by year/month.
- Paperplanes (source / Jekyll fork)
- Personal blog (source) - DISQUS integration, Facebook OpenGraph settings, txt2tags plugin in action, extensive tagging, google sitemap; based on Lanyon theme from the pool project
- Development Seed (source)
- Zhijun Kang (source) - China. This is a simple and beautiful blog. Enjoy It.
- Tagaholic (source) – Machine tags and js are used to organize posts and calculate related posts.
- Cyborg Institute (source) – Uses Jekyll to power the whole site (save the wiki). Uses the same version of the code as tychoish, above.
- MacMillan Films (source) – Simple conversion of modified WordPress theme. Displays basic static eCommerce.
- Buildr (source) – Generate the site with Jekyll, and use PrinceXML to generate PDF out of it.
- Anil Wadghule (source)
- 9leg (source) - Java Blog (chinese,中文).
- PseudoWeb.Net (source)
- Tate Johnson (source)
- (source / Jekyll fork) – Based on Henrik’s fork and blog.
- Uberobert (source) – My blog, using twitter bootstrap.
- ChenJun(Zhu8)’s Web (source) – Zhu8’s Website, using bootstrap & Themed with minimal with Mobile vision (中文用户可参考,已优化中文使用).
- Domain51 (source) – Site for tswicegood’s business.
- (source) – A weblog with comments via Twitter hashtags.
- kle•pas (source) – Personal site of Simon Pascal Klein.
- Aaron Kalin (source)
- Alex Coles (source)
- Seattle Xcoders (source) – Seattle Xcoders Mac developer group web site.
- (source) – A french-canadian version of The Setup.
- Michael Monteleone (source) – Personal site of Michael Monteleone, standing on all kinds of shoulders of jekyll giants.
- Mihail Szabolcs (source)
- (source)
- Scott Tesoriere (source) – Tags with spaces.
- Danish Khan (source) – I blog about ruby, rails, sinatra and startup culture. I am using the octopress blogging framework.
- Brilliant Corners (source)
- GeekUp (source) – Events.
- David Sanson (source) – Personal website and course webpages.
- Tigraine’s weblog (source) – My weblog about programming.
- Monkey Snatch Banana (source) – Personal blog that integrates compass via rake.
- Matthias Endler (source) – Blog created by purple unicorns with lots of open source love.
- The prometheus Image Archive (source)
- Christopher H. Laco (source) – Converted from MT txt file w/converted comments to Disqus + Jekyll/Jekyll.vim/Liquid patches.
- A Developer’s Diary (source) – A jekyll powered blog by Sreejith Kesavan
- Brian Clapper’s blog (source) – personal web site and company web site.
- Corin Cole (source) – Personal blog/profile.
- Seyi Ogunyemi (source)
- TJ Stein (source)
- Dave Lim (source)
- Sparanoid (source) – Tunghsiao Liu (劉通曉) personal blog about web designs, freehand drawings and other interesting gadgets.
- redbluemagenta (source) – Christian Paredes’s system administration blog.
- yelyah (source) – singer/songwriter posting new music everyday.
- Patrick Mulder (source)
- Kinnetica (source) – Michael Levin’s personal website and blog about web development.
- The Setup (source) – A bunch of nerdy interviews.
- (source)
- Shallow Thoughts (source) – Carlos Eduardo’s personal blog about tech, development and music.
- (source) – a single page site using Jekyll’s front matter as a neat, light database (which should soon prove to be in fact a large and shitty scaling issue).
- 赵金泉的个人网站 (source) – aquan's Personal Site
- Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung | A Arte do Cultivo da Quietude (source) – Creating Chi Kung training habits in a consistent and regular way – in Portuguese.
- (source) – A blog about how to make shapes using SVG and javascript
- Something Isn’t Write (source) – Personal blog of useless ramblings
- Jesse Herrick’s Blog (source)
- Pablo Molina (source) – Personal website with projects and thinking.
- Ashwin kumar (source) – Personal website.
- Kai ‘kaidez’ Gittens (source) – Tutorials & articles about web development from Kai Gittens, a web developer at Revlon.
- Ibrahim Muhammad (source) – Personal blog and portfolio
- Mango Information Systems (source) – Company blog about analytics and data visualizations
- Sven Andersson (source) – Personal site, CV and blog on computer graphics.
- Ricardo Ramirez’s Blog (source) – Blog about web design and development, performance, scalability, usability and semantics in CSS.
- Box Fort (source) – Corporate website of Maletas Técnicas Boxfort, S.L.
- Perpetual beta (source) – Personal Blog
- My Notes (source) Personal blog. (Japanese)
- Hawksworx (source) – Phil Hawksworth’s Blog
- PawsBuddy (source) – Pet sitting services in St Albans, UK
- Mohammad Naghavi (source) – Personal blog and portfolio
- Jerome Martinez (source) – Personal blog + other works
- libfeihu (source) – Personal technique website (Chinese, 中文).
- Arek Stryjski (source) – Personal website about sailing (Polish).
- OMEGA Theme by hmfaysal (source) – HMFAYSAL OMEGA is a minimalist, beautiful, responsive theme for Jekyll by Engineer Hossain Mohd Faysal designed for writers who want their content to take front and center.
- RubensDEV Things I learned (source) – A blog about a developer and his stories about programming and conclusions about life.
- Julissa Roa (source) - Web Developer & Fashion Stylist - Creative Tech Blog
- Corey Watts (source) – Personal website/blog/resume
- Nii Adjetey Sowah (source) – Personal Blog (Shotgun theme)
- Tony Pitale (source)
- Maps for Antenna Mate (source) – Jekyll + AngularJS
- azalea says) (source) – Personal blog about bioinformatics (A mixture of Chinese and English)
- (source) – A jekyll blog done up in safe mode. Features Pagination, DRY post/page templates, Tags, Post index, sitemap.xml, pubsubhubub (PuSH) atom feeds.
- – A jekyll blog for his open source projects
- (source) – My personal website
- (source) – My personal website and blog. Uses Foundation, and has a Category index.
- Benoit Frigon (source) – Electronic, VOIP telephony with Asterisk and programming.
- »Feeling Responsive« Theme for Jekyll (source) – A responsive theme based on Foundation
- Brick (source) - A free & open source webfont service focusing on render quality.
- Willog Timeline (source) – Using AJAX and Geolocation. Mobile Valid (Chinese, 中文).
- (source) - Juanjo Aguililla's personal Blog and open source projects (English).
- elementary OS tips & tricks (source) - Personal Blog about elementary OS tips & tricks (English).
- (source) - Personal website and blog of Scott Meisburger.
- (source) - Severyn Kozak's personal site and blog.
- (source) - Personal Site and random front-end blog posts.
- (source) - Haisum Bhatti's personal blog.
- Gayan Virajith (source) - Gayan Virajith's personal site and the blog.
- Behrooz Hasanbeygi (source) my persian/farsi blog - در مورد تکنولوژی جامعه و فناوری اطلاعات سلامت
- Comtu (source) - comtu personal website and blog.个人博客.(Chinese, 中文)
- Why & How (source) - Personal site based on Hyde template. (Primary language: Chinese, 中文)
- Alexandr Bizikov (source)
- Eric Hansander (source)
- Ciudadano Inteligente (source)
- Project Zeppelin (source) - GDG DevFest 2014 site template
- Friends Of Cake (source) - A group of dedicated individuals working together to promote good standards in the CakePHP community and foster a team of friendly, supportive developers. Powered by Jekyll.
- Abhishek Dey Das (source) - Personal blog on technology and algorithm design. Powered by Jekyll.
- Edward Zhu (source) - Edward Zhu's personal site and blog
- Nick Clarkson(source) - UK Based Technical Director, CV and Blog
- - A community where you can receive high quality training materials on data science and the R programming language for FREE.
- SCALABLE (source) - A blog about SVG · CSS3 · HTML(SPANISH)
- Personal Development (source) - Personal blog about becoming a better developer.
- Oliver Pattison (source) – Archive of writing, photography and projects.
- Orange - A free jekyll theme for personal portfolio and blog
- Paspagon (source) – a payment processor.
- Maxime Kjaer (source) — Personal site and blog
- Marcelo Canina (source) - Personal homepage (Multilanguage jekyll in Github Pages)
- Taken theme (source) -- Taken is a minimalist two-column jekyll theme based on chapter tumblr theme
- Alex Zhuang (source) Personal blog.(Simplified Chinese, 简体中文)
- Ben Sanders (source) Personal Blog
- Keith Buhler (source) Professional Website - Philosophy
- EMC (source) Simple site using Bootstrap, Muut for comments, Bootstrap modal image popup, mathjax for math equations, google analytics for tracking and hotjar for heatmaps.
- Babji Chetty (source) - Simple, responsive site and blog built using Jekyll, Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, Google Fonts, etc
- (source) - Travel Photo Blog. It's my bilingual blog with nice galleries and PhotoSwipe integration.
- Jekyll Maps Demo (source) - Demo page for Jekyll Maps plugin.
- Reet Lago: writer of meaningful things (source) Site featuring select works of Reet Lago, a once-in-a-blue-moon writer of stories, poems, lyrics or anything meaningful.
- git-secret - A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository.
- pixyzehn (source) Personal Blog
- Martin Rotter (source) Personal website & blog
- Nicolas Hoizey (source) - Personal site and blog.
- Kaltura (source) - Kaltura VPaaS
- (source) - Personal site/blog
- (source / fork) - Personal blog on risk, finance, technology and assorted other topics
) - Personal Blog on travel, life and technology
- Step By Step (source
) - Personal Blog (一个简明响应式博客)
) - Personal site
- (source) - The LaTeX3 Project website
- (source) - Personal blog on Swift & iOS
- Apache ORC project (source) - Apache ORC website
- Junade Ali (source) - Personal blog
- Fri Rasyidi (source)
- Dev Haufe (source ) - Haufe Group writing about Dev things, soon also about Design and other things.
- Synthetase's World of Nerd personal blog, source here. Site implements tagging and DISQUS integration. Also uses Jekyll-sitemap and Jekyll-SEO.
- jCanvas (source) - The official website of jCanvas, the jQuery canvas library. Site implements collections for documentation, Jekyll-SEO, Jekyll-Sitemap. Theme is completely custom.
- ShareX (source) - ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key.
- Mathifold (source) - Mathifold is a project whose goal is to make mathematics accessible to everybody, completely free, based on open collaboration and the best pedagogical tools.
- technicat (source) - Site for Technicat LLC
- Tampa Bay Book Group (source) - Site for a book club
- Art Bergmann (source) - Official website of Art Bergmann, anti-hero-iconoclast of Canadian music for over 40 years.
- Gordon Celesta (source) - Personal Blog.
- LineageOS Wiki (source)
- Juliano Mohr (source) - A blog about software engineering.
- Banter bloguje (source) - Personal blog mostly about software engineering (in Czech)
- Adit Deshpande (Source) - Machine Learning Blog.
- (Source) - Formula 1® Programmatically Generated Statistics
- Chuck Masterson's Actual Blog (Source) — Personal blog, with greatly customized CSS and threaded commenting via Staticman.
- Niels Oeltjen (source) — Australian Artist and Digital Maker
- 飲冰 (source) - 专注于机器学习的中文博客 (Chinese blog about machine learning)
- Bookoid (source) - Android app website
- ThemeJekyll (source) - Search and find free, open source Jekyll themes.
- Paul's Portfolio (source) - My personal portfolio built from the ground up, powered by Jekyll
- Jekyll Skeleton (source) - A skeleton of a multilingual site (based in data files) to start new websites with Bootstrap 4 included.
- Fowlie's blog (source) - My personal blog about programming and music.
- Food Oasis LA (source) - Food Oasis LA (FOLA) shows you the best places to find healthy food in Los Angeles. It's built by volunteers at Hack for LA, the official Los Angeles chapter of Code for America.
- Prashant's personal blog/timeline (source) - a Machine Learning Engineer | Backend Developer. The site includes easy to deploy cool features like skills set presentation and search feature. Feel free to fork and deploy your own jekyll powered website in no time.
- Andy Davies (source) - Personal blog/portfolio - freelance web developer.
- Cedro Gropello (source) - Website of an Italian beauty center
- Multiplicidad Digital (source) - Ami Reynoso's graduation project about web development (in Spanish). Uses custom responsive theme, integrates Disqus, and custom page types.
- Ajit Kumar's Webpage (Source) A simple academic webpage based on hyde template.
- Ganessh Kumar (source) - A personal website
- Matt Grey (source) - Personal portfolio and font selling platform for a UX designer
- Viacheslav Avsenev Software Developer and Engineer (source) - Personal website with portfolio and links to related resources
- Hossein Karami (source) - Personal portfolio
- Triangle Fraternity at Michigan Technological University (source) - Website for a college fraternity.
- Louis Rassaby (source) - Personal blog and portfolio with masonry layout.
- tekkie (source) - Technology blog of Ain Tohvri, CTO at Savings United, international network of digital coupon marketplaces.