

Help educate people about online privacy and security, by securing their accounts and removing unnecessary data.

This project is archived, the website has been taken offline.

Everyday Privacy

The goal of this project is to educate people about online privacy and security, by securing their accounts and removing unnecessary data, and inform about which information is being collected. A secondary goal would be to do this in such a manner that everyone is able to contribute to the project by updating when new information comes, add new services to reach more people.



  1. Jekyll
  2. make install

Gettings started

  • Running locally with live-reload: make serve
  • Building site: make build


Please see CONTRIBUTING.md

Future goals

  • More services; Twitter, Google (Mail, Drive, Search etc.) and more...
  • Operating systems
  • Cloud providers
  • Support nation specific services
  • Probably more


GPLv3 License


Thank you to the University of Bergen for allowing me start Everyday Privacy as a standalone project for the special course Z-INF.

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